Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Why homemaking skills?

In today's society we are use to an unlimited supply of food and supplies in the stores. We are also use to numerous jobs especially for those who have an education in a field that is in need of people. However, over the last two years I and many others have gradually seen things changing. I have begun to look into old time skills of our grandparents. I believe that if our grandparents could make it through the great depression and other trials of living then we can do it too, we just need to stop wanting and wanting, and focus on what we need to survive. These skills are sewing, cooking and baking from scratch, gardening, and raising animals. There are books, websites and blogs out there that help you learn anything and everything. All you have to do is find them, and that can take a while. I have posted blogs that I follow and encourage you to look at them and even suggest other blogs or websites that discuss the homemaking, and homesteading skills.